State of Connecticut
P20 WIN Data Governance Manual

Data Governance Structure

The P20 WIN Data Governance structure has three governing bodies: the Executive Board, the Data Governing Board, and the Resident Advisory Board. These groups represent a three-tier leadership system. The Executive Board has ultimate policy decision-making authority for the P20 WIN Data Sharing process. The Executive Board can create standing or special committees (e.g. legal committee) when necessary. The Data Governing Board enforces policies set forth by the Executive Board related to cross-agency data management, including but not limited to, data confidentiality and security in conformance with applicable law. Finally, the Resident Advisory Board advises and guides the Executive Board and the Data Governing Board on how to communicate the work and mission to State residents.

Together these groups provide a framework for system leadership, implementation and improvement. Independent of the governance structure, Data Stewards are the staff at the Participating Agencies that work closely with the data available for request. Data Stewards from each Participating Agency are encouraged to join the regular Data Stewards meetings to focus on the implementation of system policy and to determine the availability, security and quality of data.


Executive Board

The Executive Board is a multi-agency committee composed of Commissioners and Executive leadership from each of the Participating Agencies. The Executive Board develops the vision for P20 WIN and provides oversight and leadership for the data governance structure. The Executive Board is responsible for sustaining the P20 WIN system by supporting its vision and securing resources to maintain its efficient operation.

While membership within P20 WIN is not restricted to Executive Branch state agencies, the P20 WIN Executive Board Chairperson must be a State official or employee. As Chairperson, they conduct all Executive Board meetings, represent the P20 WIN Data Sharing process, and work with all Participating Agency leaders and political leaders to assure agency-to-agency coordination and to further data sharing to improve services provided to the residents of Connecticut. The Chairperson leads the Executive Board to set the direction for the Data Sharing process and coordinates with the Operating Group to set agendas and resolve operational matters.


  1. Define, develop and advance a vision and supporting policies for the Data Sharing process.
  2. Expand Data Sharing for the purposes of conducting audits and evaluations of federal and state education programs, research and related planning, and operations and service delivery efforts as determined by the Executive Board and any additional purposes made through statutory changes by the Connecticut General Assembly and approved by the Executive Board.
  3. Each member shall identify representatives from its respective agency to serve on the Data Governing Board.
  4. Respond to escalated issues from the Data Governing Board.
  5. Identify and work to secure resources necessary to sustain the P20 WIN.
  6. Champion the use, maintenance and improvement of the P20 WIN system by developing policy, leveraging resources and advocating for the Data Sharing process at the state legislature.
  7. Make recommendations to OPM regarding fiscal and budgetary issues for the system.
  8. Ensure the proper use of public funds or resources that are to be jointly utilized with stakeholders from private entities (such arrangements are governed by appropriate Data Use License(s)).
  9. Add, suspend and readmit Participating Agencies in accordance with Appendix 1 of the Enterprise Memorandum of Understanding (eMOU).

The Executive Board meets quarterly on the third Tuesday of the month at 2:00pm, unless otherwise noted. You can find agendas, minutes, and recordings of past meetings in the Governance page of the P20 WIN website.

Data Governing Board

The Data Governing Board consists of one staff member from each Participating Agency who can deliver policy, resource and staffing recommendations to support the Participating Agency in the Data Sharing process. Members work collaboratively to maintain the security of the Data Integration Hub. Once policies and resource commitments are approved by the Executive Board, the Data Governing Board members are responsible for implementing and enforcing these policies.


  1. Provide the appropriate Data from each Participating Agency’s source system to support the overarching Research Agenda.
  2. Review and approve Data Sharing Requests, data output and resulting publications prior to release.
  3. Identify, as needed, additional data stewards and subject matter experts to implement and improve the Data Sharing process.
  4. Provide guidance on the creation of regular reports that utilize the Data Sharing process and are mandated by the legislature.
  5. Establish a process to annually produce a report on the efforts of P20 WIN to promote equity throughout the data life cycle and its potential impacts on state residents. The report should include an assessment of any algorithms implemented by researchers to ensure the methods do not perpetuate bias of vulnerable groups with state information.
  6. Maintain a protocol for expanding the Data Sharing system to include additional agencies or data pursuant to Appendix 1 of the E-MOU.
  7. Develop data standards and data cleansing processes.
  8. Develop, document and monitor Data Definitions and Metadata for shared Data Elements within the cross-agency Data Dictionary, using State guidance on Metadata standards.
  9. Evaluate the quality of the technical process for matching data and quality of the data available through the P20 WIN Data Sharing system.
  10. Develop policies and procedures, including but not limited to policies and procedures to ensure data privacy, confidentiality and security.
  11. Receive reports of a Breach or a suspected Breach pursuant to Appendix 2, and receive confirmation from Participating Agencies and the Data Integration Hub when the security of their systems has been restored after a Breach. Notification of a Breach to the Data Governing Board does not relieve the Participating Agency and the Data Integration Hub of its responsibilities or possible liabilities under applicable state and federal law, including but not limited to any required notifications that a Breach has occurred and any related notifications required due to a Breach of any shared information, including but not limited to the Attorney General’s Data Security Department.
  12. Consult with OPM, in accordance with the provisions of C.G.S. §§ 4-67n, 4-67p and 10a-57g and other applicable statutes and policies.
  13. Manage the amendment process of this E-MOU in accordance with Appendix 3 and Appendix 4.
  14. Provide guidance to the Executive Board on the future creation of additional centralized enterprise Data matching services, available to the Participating Agencies, in accordance with Appendices 3 and 4.

Member Expectations:

  1. Represent the interests of their Participating Agency and clients and support the vision and goals of the P20 WIN system.
  2. Support the state’s vision for data sharing and the P20 WIN.
  3. Support and advocate for data management and governance practices at their agency.
  4. Communicate regularly with agency staff regarding activities of P20 WIN.
  5. Attend and participate in regular monthly Data Governing Board meetings.
  6. Share any data issues, changes in agency data policies, or new data regulations that could impact P20 WIN with the Data Governing Board and Operating Group.

The Data Governing Board meets every fourth Friday at 8:30am. Meeting agendas, minutes and recordings of past meetings can be found in the Governance section of the P20 WIN website.

Resident Advisory Board

Data sharing by governmental agencies should incorporate the knowledge and expertise of the state residents. Many state agencies have established advisory groups seeking to gain insight from the community and their lived experiences. The Office of Early Childhood has a Parent Cabinet and the 2Gen Advisory Board with a parent engagement component. The Department of Education created the Commissioner’s Roundtable for Family and Community Engagement in Education. The Department of Children and Families has a Data Integration Work Group.

The Executive Board will establish a Resident Advisory Board with members representing residents of Connecticut who receive or have received state services and benefits.The role of Resident Advisory Board is to provide advice and guidance to the Executive Board and the Data Governing Board on how to effectively communicate its work and mission to State residents.


  1. Advise the Participating Agencies in earning public trust in the work of the Data Sharing process.
  2. Attend Data Governing Board meetings as needed.
  3. Assist the Data Sharing process to ensure that the P20 WIN promotes equity and that research, evaluation and data sharing efforts do not disparately impact consumers or families.
  4. Share insight on projects, policies and procedures, and how to prevent any use of data for malevolent purposes, or that might result in profiling or other malevolent impact, specifically on issues of informed consent, assent, notice, privacy, data retention and destruction, and equity in data.

Data Stewards

In alignment with the policies set forth by the Executive Board and Data Governing Board, the Data Stewards work on technical implementation of the Data Sharing system and are responsible for the availability, security and quality of data shared through the Data Integration Hub.

The Data Stewards working group also recommends to the Data Governing Board policies or practices to be developed or improved. Members are then responsible for carrying out the approved data system policies. Data stewards not only represent the interests of their agency, but work to support the state’s overarching vision for the Data Sharing process.


  1. Implement policies and processes as approved by the Data Governing Board.
  2. Develop, document and monitor data definitions and metadata for shared data elements in a cross-agency data dictionary, using state guidance on metadata standards.
  3. Evaluate the quality of the technical process for matching data and quality of the data available through the system.
  4. Make recommendations to the Data Governing Board on policies and procedures that need to be created or improved, including but not limited to policies and procedures to ensure data security and data quality.
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